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The American Epidemic

Americans are now faced with the largest Health epidemic ever; obesity. 65% of adults are overweight or obese, and 33% of our children are overweight or obese. The sedentary lifestyle coupled with poor nutrition is literally a guarantee for weight gain and disease. Technology is a blessing; however it also is a curse. Americans are addicted to television, computers, video games and sugar, just to name a few.

Our children’s lifestyle poses the greatest threat to their existence. Research concludes that 50% of children that are overweight, will remain overweight into adulthood. It is a fact that 70% of children at 12 years of age have Arteriosclerosis, which is early stage Heart Disease. Our culture is literally digging their own graves with their fork. If this trend continues, our children will be the first generation to not outlive their parents.

Overweight Versus Obese

I want to make sure we understand the difference between being overweight and being obese. Place a tape measure around your waist just above the belly button.


  • Ideal waist measurement, 31-36 inches
  • Overweight, 37-40 inches
  • Obesity, 41 inches and over


  • Ideal waist measurement, 28-33 inches
  • Overweight, 34-37 inches
  • Obesity, 38 inches and over

Obesity and Joint Pain

The human frame is not designed to support an excess amount of weight. The common complaint from being overweight is low back pain, hip pain or knee pain. It is estimated that 1 extra inch of fat around the waist places 12 extra pounds of stress on the lower back, and 16 pounds of stress on the knees. This overload coupled with joint misalignments, degenerates the joints at a very fast pace. This is like driving a car at excessive speeds with misaligned wheels; the tires will wear out prematurely and will need to be replaced faster. Instead of taking pain killers for your joint pain, while wondering if you need a hip or knee replacement; follow the Weight Loss Success System. This will enable you to lose your weight save your joints and your life.

Ideal weight and Energy

The latest craze is energy drinks. Our society is so exhausted from being malnourished and overweight that we are literally addicted to coffee, Red Bull, Monster, sugar and 20 other forms of artificial energy boosters. The problem is that this is a viscous cycle. Energy drinks and caffeine stimulate the adrenal glands to release adrenalin. This adrenalin gives us a spike of energy for a short period of time followed by exhaustion once the blood sugar drops back down to normal range. The body has to work so hard at lugging around the extra weight, sort of like carrying a backpack weighing 30 pounds all day long, that it completely wears us out. The true answer to energy and vitality is losing the excess weight while nourishing the body with the right type of fuel.

Belly Fat

The worst place to carry excess poundage is around the belly. Belly fat is probably the greatest threat to your health. Research concludes that when fat starts to develop around your abdominal organs, the body secretes powerful inflammatory chemicals: C – Reactive protein (CRP), Cytokines, Chemokines, and Leptin. These inflammatory chemicals are responsible for causing 3 very serious diseases:

  1. Insulin Resistance, causing type II diabetes
  2. High Blood Pressure
  3. Heart Disease (Arteriosclerosis)

Imagine how many millions of Americans are on toxic drugs for these conditions, for the rest of their lives. If they would lose the weight they would lose the disease as well. Chronic inflammation caused by belly fat does not just cause these 3 conditions. Inflammation is at the root of most degenerative diseases. Think of inflammation to disease as gasoline is to a fire. The best test to measure inflammation is a CRP test. “The Answer” will be your best approach to eliminating chronic inflammation.

Obesity and Diabetes

Diabetes is a very severe life threatening disease caused by an overfed, sedentary lifestyle; and is fueled by obesity.

Here are the Facts:

  • 29 million adults have diabetes
  • 16 million adults have pre-diabetes
  • 6 million children have adult onset diabetes

This means our children are so terribly unhealthy that they are developing adult diseases as early as 4-5 years of age. Diabetes costs Americans 150 billion dollars annually to treat.

Why is Diabetes so Dangerous??

  • 1/3 of end stage kidney diseases are due to diabetes.
  • 4 out of 5 diabetic patients die from cardiovascular disease.
  • Diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness in the elderly.

Having diabetes is like opening a door to sickness and disease.

Obesity and Over acidity

To truly win the battle of the bulge, we must win the battle of acidity. To lose weight by starving, crash diets, surgery, liposuction or any other aggressive measure is only a short term solution for long term acidity. Dr. Robert Young pH Miracle for Weight Loss states, “The body retains fat as a protection against overproduction of acids by the typical American diet.” The fat, although you hate it, is actually saving your life from acidosis. The fat cells are actually carrying acids away from your vital organs and storing them in the body fat (hips, belly, thighs). Once the body is at a state of alkaline balance, there is no need for the excess body fat and away goes the pounds and inches to a new disease fighting, slimmer, sexier you. If you ever want to achieve successful permanent weight loss, you must alkalize your body!

Sugar and Obesity

When sugar enters the body from any source, this sugar enters the bloodstream as a substance called glucose. Glucose is the main energy source for the body and especially the brain. The pancreas secretes insulin to remove sugar from the blood and deliver it to the cells to be used for fuel. There should only be two teaspoons of glucose in the blood all day every day. With the Standard American Diet, we are eating an enormous amount of sugar all day long. Just one 12 oz coca-cola has 10 teaspoons of sugar. It takes 5 hours for the body to eliminate 10 teaspoons of sugar. Now combine 2 or 3 sodas a day with pasta, bread, cookies, bagels, milk, ice cream, energy drinks, and sports drinks; and we are literally poisoning our bloodstream with sugar.

The excess sugar (glucose) gets converted to fatty acids, then triglycerides, and then stored as a fat cell (adipose tissue). This is the exact reason why sugar makes you fat. Additionally, we are so sedentary that we aren’t even burning up extra glucose, leading to further fat storage. Fat is the last means of energy production in the body. We never utilize all the sugar for energy because we are so lazy and overfed, that we never get to burn any fat, instead we continue to store more and more fat.

Stress and Obesity

Chronic stress stimulates the Adrenal Glands to secrete 2 powerful hormones, Epinephrine and Cortisol. High cortisol levels causes the body to store fat especially around the belly, hips, and thighs. There is an accurate way to measure your level of Cortisol to determine if this is the cause of weight gain, along with other symptoms. Learn more about the Adrenal Stress Test. “The Answer” combined with Health Solution’s “Weight Loss Success System”, is a program designed to correct the cause of obesity, therefore restoring the body back to Ideal Bodyweight.

Enough is Enough

You absolutely need the” UltimateWeight Loss Success System” if:

  • You are sick and tired of the dieting roller coaster ride
  • You are sick of having no energy to enjoy your life
  • You are sick of chronic pain and embarrassed to be seen naked
  • You have stopped looking in the mirror
  • Your are are truly concerned about dying from a heart attack or diabetes at a very young age

Are you ready to stop making excuses and get the body you deserve

Purchase The Ultimate Weight Loss Success System Today!