(760) 405-4787 PainFree@docwayne.com
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DocWayne’s Customized Nutritional Healing Program

This 100% customized program is specifically designed to “Get Sick People Well”. This program is perfect for anyone struggling with a condition on any level, from aches and pains, digestive disturbance to terminal cancer patients. There are over 150 degenerative diseases and most conditions can be helped by incorporating the correct nutritional and lifestyle modification program. “There is no such thing as incurable diseases only incurable people stuck in their old ways and unwilling to change”.

Doc Wayne will customize a specific nutritional program for people suffering from:

  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Digestive Disturbance
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Hypothyroid
  • Weight Problems
  • Yeast/Urinary Tract Infections
  • Chronic Pain
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • And Much More

If your specific condition was not mentioned please contact me to discuss your condition. Wayne@DocWayne.com

If Health Were Easy Everyone Would Be Achieving It

How is DocWayne different?

DocWayne eliminates the guessing game by utilizing lab tests and comprehensive questionnaires detailing all components of your lifestyle and current medical treatments. By filling out an extensive Health Survey and Metabolic Assessment Form, DocWayne will have all of the necessary information to design a nutritional game plan that delivers amazing results. Guaranteed the most comprehensive questionnaires you will ever complete. DocWayne has relentless passion and desire to teach as many people as possible how to achieve Radiant Health.

What does the Customized Nutritional Program consist of?

Your program will depend on your individual condition and goals. A typical program focuses on identifying the root cause of your condition. DocWayne focuses on healing your body with powerful internal organ cleanses, herbs, homeopathy and foundational nutrition all designed to heal the body at a cellular level, thus restoring the bodies natural ability to heal itself. DocWayne is a huge advocate of fresh vegetable juice cleanses, toxin elimination, heavy metal detoxification, candida cleansing, pH balancing, natural hormone balancing and specific nutritional healing to name a few.

What supplements does DocWayne use?

DocWayne incorporates various nutritional companies for his healing programs. It all depends on the condition that we are treating. One company we use is Apex Energetics. They supply the highest quality, purest form of foundational supplements, homeopathic formulas, and herbs available on the market. Apex products are only available to licensed doctors. Dr. Wayne also consults with their panel of experts to ensure you are getting exactly what you need to heal your body. It is a fact that 97.5% of supplements are unsafe or ineffective. The supplements and cleanses DocWayne recommends are the most effective and of purest quality.

Does Doc Wayne do any lab testing?

Absolutely! DocWayne’s motto is “Why guess when you can test” We have teamed up with various independent laboratories and offer a multitude of lab tests including: Anti-Oxidant Profile,  Hormone Profiles, Thyroid, Adrenals, Testosterone, Growth Hormone and Prostate.

How will DocWayne communicate with me?

Correspondence  will be either through email or at our clinic in Oceanside Ca. All email’s will be answered in a timely fashion, you can consider DocWayne your personal Health Coach. DocWayne will be right by your side guiding you to optimal health.

Can I do DocWayne’s Customized Nutritional Program if I am currently taking prescription drugs or under the care of a Medical Doctor?

Absolutely! DocWayne will receive all of your medical information when you complete the health questionnaires. DocWayne will work in conjunction with your medical doctor. DocWayne’s nutritional program will not interfere but compliment your current medical treatment. Please be sure to include all of your lab tests and treatment protocols with DocWayne. You will get the best of both worlds when working with DocWayne.

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy, simply contact me via email or stop in my clinic. I will email you my comprehensive Metabolic Assessment Form. Fill out the form and email it back to me. I will respond within 24hrs letting you know if any additional information or lab tests are necessary. I also offer a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation to discuss your specific condition and goals. Either call 760-405-4787 or email me to schedule your consultation.

How long until I receive my Customized Program?

After we receive all of your necessary information a typical turn around time is 3-5 business days. Please note: if you do require a lab test it typically takes about 7-10 business days for lab results. You will receive your Customized Program 3-5 business days after all lab results.

Don’t Lose Hope

When searching for answers to your health concerns, it is very common to get frustrated with all the conflicting information thats available. It seems that every doctor or specialist you consult with has a different opinion and treatment program. Ranging from taking the next miracle drug to the next amazing multi-level marketing supplement promising to eliminate all of your health complaints. Unfortunately your results are usually anything but optimal. There is no “Magic Bullet” for Optimal Health. You must be willing to put in the hard work

Everyone Needs a Coach

During your journey to better health is is very easy to become confused, frustrated and give up. Especially when you choose a path outside of the Western Medicine and your doctors and friends tell you that your crazy to listen to a “Natural Doctor”. DocWayne will be right by your side guiding you to optimal health. Everyone needs someone as knowlegable and passionate as DocWayne. In Latin the word Doctor means “teacher” not “drug pusher”. DocWayne will teach you how to take control of your health.

Why should I choose Nutritional Healing over Prescription Drugs?

If medicine were the answer; Americans would be the healthiest nation in the world. Instead we are one of the sickest. America consumes 65% of the planets drugs and we only consist of 5% of the worlds population.

If all the dogs are barking up the wrong tree… it doesn’t make it the right tree..

Consider this: If you give a healthy person medicine, do they get healthier? Of coarse not, they end up developing sickness and disease just like a drug addict. Then why in the heck would you give a sick person drugs. They only end up getting sicker. The thought of developing health by loading the body up with toxic, synthetic, prescription drugs is ridiculous.

Medicine is only designed to treat the symptoms, not the cause of the problem. Its like having a brake light on your car come on and covering up the warning light with electrical tape. Health is not just the absence of symptoms but the absence of Disease.

It is a fact that 85% of disease is caused from poor nutrition and lifestyle choices. DocWayne is committed to identifying the true cause of your conditions and teaching you the necessary lifestyle to achieve health.

Why doesn’t my Medicine Doctor teach me about nutrition?

Remember that a Medicine Doctor’s job is to treat the symptom with a prescription drug or perform surgery to remove the diseased organ. “The When In Doubt Cut It Out Approach”. That is what they are taught in Medical School. They usually only take 1 or 2 classes on clinical nutrition. They are constantly bombarded by pharmaceutical sales reps selling them on the next miracle drug. The pharmaceutical industry controls the medical doctors treatment options. I call the Pharmaceutical industry the GREAT PUPPET MASTER. Unfortunately they are buying the doctor’s opinions and treatment options.

Follow the Money: There is no money in recommending lifestyle changes, nutritional supplementation and exercise. The pharmaceutical industry is a muli-trillion dollar industry.

“Its difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends upon his not understanding it”.  – Upton Sinclair

Order Your Customized Nutritional Program Today!