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American women by far are the most mistreated by the medical profession. Women have a much higher level of concern regarding their health than men. They don’t let their egos get in the way of their health. Unfortunately, there’s a price to pay for being a concerned female. They fall prey to over medication and misdiagnosis. As a result, American women take more medicine than any other culture in the world; however, they are sicker than women in any other industrialized nation. I can’t tell you how many women, that are in our practices, are simply worn out. They are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. They have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome or any other new syndrome that has been created by pharmaceutical companies to SELL MORE DRUGS!! Their cupboards at home look like a pharmacy and GNC combined! They feel that in their minds, they have tried everything and nothing works. They are sick of doctors telling them that they have the answer, but they are always willing to try something new. This usually means  they are going to be taking a new pill.

I hope that after reading this chapter you will have such a high level of knowledge, that you won’t fall victim to the medical system. You will understand exactly why you are sick, and better yet, you will know exactly how to get well and STAY well.

Take this SELF QUIZ (no need to submit it), and find out exactly what symptoms you are Learning to Live with.

Symptom Group #1

Symptom Group #2

Symptom Group #3

Symptom Group #4

Symptom Group #5

If you have answered yes to 2 or more of these symptoms, congratulations you have joined the ranks with millions of other women who are experiencing hormonal imbalances. No, your symptoms are not just in your head, like some specialist wants you to believe. This is what they tell you when they “Don’t have a clue!” Hormonal imbalance is an epidemic in America. You will learn how to effectively check your hormones and balance your hormones without use of toxic medicine.

Hormones play a critical role at maintaining optimal health. There are many hormones to consider: Pregnenlonone, Progesterone, Androstenedione, estrogens, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisols. If one of these hormones is off, your life could result in living hell.

What causes hormonal imbalance?

  • Environmental toxins (Xenoestrogens)
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Drugs
  • Stress

The cause of hormone imbalance is multifaceted and must be explored thoroughly. It is very dangerous to self assess and self treat. This usually leads to further hormone imbalance and complications. In order to correct the symptoms of imbalance, we must first know what hormones are out of balance and what is causing the imbalance. That is why it is highly recommended to get your hormone levels checked before any treatment is rendered. Additionally you can’t just base results on symptoms, it is important to have objective measurement. “You can’t prove, disprove, or improve that which cannot be measured.”

Environmental Toxins (Xenoestrogens)

Xenoestrogens are petrochemicals (petroleum based products) mainly plastics, pesticides, car exhaust, hormones in meats, milk, soaps, body lotions, carpeting, furniture etc. Xenoestrogens are environmental estrogens that accumulate in the body and eventually over time, disrupt hormonal balance. Xenoestrogens are stored in the body fat.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Deficiency of exercise, both resistive weight training and cardiovascular exercise are common factors in hormonal imbalance. Exercise eliminates the adrenal stress hormones (epinephrine and cortisol) from causing disastrous effects on the body. Conditions range from high blood pressure, anxiety, fatigue and especially weight gain around the belly, hips, and buttocks. Estrogen is stores in body fat. This means the more body fat you have acquired the more hormonal imbalance you will have.

Poor Nutrition

Poor Nutrition can result from fruit and vegetable deficiencies; and eating too many sugar and refined starches and processed foods. Excessive caloric intake along with the above items can also result in impaired liver function.


Hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives can be some of the drugs contributing to hormonal imbalances.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

The most popular HRT is Premarin, one of the top selling drugs in America, with a $940 million yearly profit. The drug Premarin stands for Pregnant Mare Urine. That’s right, horse urine. Approximately 70,000 horses have been used for their urine. They have catheters collecting their urine and sent to Wyeth Ayerst for Premarin. These inhumane, horse farms are found around the US and Canada. All for what price; unopposed estrogen that your doctor prescribes to you as the magic pill to prevent old age ills.

The use of Premarin can cause:

  • Fibrocystic Breasts
  • Weight Gain
  • Water Retention
  • Hypertension
  • Blood Clots
  • Gall Bladder Disease
  • Breast and Other Cancers

Birth Control

Birth Control Pills are one of the most poisionous substances that women can ingest. Birth Control Pills consist of estrogen; and estrogen is stored in body fat. Remember, that the effects are cumulative. The more estrogen consumed through xenohormones, the greater the chance of developing disease from hormonal imbalance. The following is a list of diseases caused from oral contraceptives. Dr. Ellen Grant MD, author of the book, “The Bitter Pill” writes that, “Although (estrogen) is a very effective form of birth control, oral contraceptives are highly toxic to the human body.

Here are some of the side effects that can result from Birth Contol:

  • 6 times greater risk of thrombosis (blood clots)
  • 4 times greater risk of dying from a stroke
  • 4 times greater risk of heart attack
  • 3 times greater risk of headaches
  • Doubles the risk of high blood pressure
  • Doubles the risk of dying from cancer; especially cervical, breast, endometrial and ovarian cancer
  • Increases thyroid and liver cancer
  • Alters the immune function
  • Increases the rate of birth defects
  • Increases the rate of Osteoporosis
  • Increases the rate of anxiety, ovarian cysts, infections, urinary tract infections, cervical dysplasia, allergies, gall bladder disease, sinus infections, chrones disease, infertility and epilepsy


70% of visits to doctors are stress related. It is inevitable that Americans are under major stress. We live in a fast paced world. We want instant gratification; work too many hours and pay high mortgages. We wait in traffic jams and dead lines; we spend far too much time in meetings and have to cope with divorce, teenagers etc.

Three Types of Stress

Physical: accidents, pain, exercise, trauma, poor posture, etc.
Chemical: drugs, processed foods, fast foods, pesticides, etc.
Emotional: arguments, meetings, worry, anger, fear, etc.

All three stresses have the same affect on the body. Our adrenaline glands are two walnut sized glands that sit on top of our kidneys. The adrenals release hormones in response to stress; epinephrine and cortisol. These hormones are necessary for survival and quick bursts of hormones in a fight or flight response. The problem arises when we are under chronic stress.

Long term stresses cause the adrenals to continually release cortisol and epinephrine causing various conditions:

  • Increases fat around the waist
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased blood sugar levels causing insulin resistance
  • Easily bruising
  • Fungal Infections
  • Immune System Suppression
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Senile Dementia

Unfortunately, the problems don’t end there. If we don’t resolve our chronic stressing and take steps to change lifestyle habits in time, the adrenals get exhausted. This is similar to the pancreas wearing out by long term ingestion of sugar leading to diabetes.

When the adrenals get fatigued or exhausted it leads to many conditions including:

  • Constant fatigue (especially in the am)
  • Muscle weakness
  • Low blood pressure/ low metabolism
  • Low thyroid (hypothyroidism)
  • Excess pigmentation on skin
  • Allergies/asthma
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Infertility
  • Chronic colds
  • Infections
  • Depression
  • Light headedness or dizziness upon standing
  • Heart palpitations

How many millions of women are complaining of these symptoms? How many unnecessary visits per year to Medical Doctors result from these conditions? How many millions of prescriptions are written for toxic, deadly drugs to mask these symptoms? If you ever want to overcome the disease of being a stressed out woman, you must address the ROOT cause!

 Remember, treating symptoms with toxic drugs is like pulling weeds without getting to the root: more weeds and symptoms always follow.

The Trusted Pap Smear

The Pap smear exam that a woman gets yearly and trusts is actually very inaccurate. They have a false positive rate of up to 70%. The most common false positive is for cervical dysplasia. When women are told they have pre-cancerous cells, they are usually completely beside themselves thinking they are dying of cancer. Here’s the fact, since the Pap smear is so inaccurate, women should ask to be re-tested.

“Nearly 6 out of 8 times, the second Pap smear will come out negative.” – John Lee M.D.

The Women’s Ultimate Guide to Hormone Balance is a womans ultimate owners manual. This comprehensive program will teach you the true alternative to the Pap smear, mammography, hysterectomies and so much more!




I have spent years researching ways to balance hormones naturally. During the past 12 years I have helped hundreds of women suffering unnecessarily from hormonal imbalance. I have written The Ultimate Guide to Women’s Hormone Balance. This book is a MUST for any lady suffering from the above symptoms. You will learn how to effectively check your hormones and balance your hormones without use of toxic medicine. This E-book is a women’s Ultimate Owners Manual.

Remember that Doctor in Latin means “teacher”. A real doctor doesn’t just whip out a prescription pad and send you on your way. A real doctor educates you on the true cause of your condition and how to treat it naturally without poisonous drugs. I will teach you how to GET WELL and STAY WELL, the way nature intended.

Learn more anout this amazing program, click on the banner below.